Professional Exploration
Cortney Harding is an author, professor, speaker, and consultant providing virtual reality expertise. This piece transcribes different opinions on designing AR/VR the future of accessibility for mixed-reality experiences.
Chieko Asakawa shared her personal determination for innovation. Something that stood out to me was when she said 'accessibility ignites innovation'.
What happens when we observe people and situations different from our own? How should we really be bringing empathy into the design conversation?
Who is already exploring the field multi-sensory experiences and designing for individuals of varying abilities?
Project Process
What would leadership need to look like for an educational institute to make a shift towards a zero-waste campus?
Bloom helps form a ritual of daily routines and identify cognitive distortions to keep anxiety attacks at bay.
What would a service for General Anxiety Disorder look like?
Extended Learning
Humans are wired to observe patterns. How does that affect our behavior and skills?
Why is empathy such a buzz-word in design? How do power dynamics affect our work?
Looking for references or links to resources related to mixed reality and accessibility.