Project Overview
The project aimed to explore a new range of baby/toddler products for Ki Et LA in Europe. KiEtLA’s designer sunglasses are not only stylish, but also recyclable, unbreakable, and made of safe, thermoplastic elastomer.
By building upon Ki Et LA's values, the product ideas needed to be recyclable, unbreakable, educational, customisable and safe for babies.
Proposed Solution
Designing watches to help kids between 18 months to 3 years learn to understand the concept of time. 'Jo Ka Temps' was designed to amplify Ki Et LA's values of being customisable and educational.
1. Children learn to recognize colors as early as at the age of 18 months. E.g The parent says “Dinner time is at 8, come to eat when it is blue on your watch.”
2. It is important for children to not only read time, but also understand the concept of time. E.g The parent says “You can play for an hour; Come home, when the whole watch is black and the dot is at 3.
3. Shapes start becoming easy to recognize for children from the age of 2 years. E.g The parent says “Lunchtime is at 12, come to eat when the arrow points to triangle on your watch."
4. Once the child has learnt to read basic numbers and understood the concept of time, he/she can understand the details of minutes.
5. Children can understand time better when they start relating it to daily activities. The digital dial is connected to the parents smart phone. Parents can assign events or activities to specific times. e.g. ‘Wash hands’ at 11: 45 or ‘Nap time’ at 3. The watch would then display the time, relating it to the event assigned.